Featured Investments


Nikoil Indonesia, a leading technology developer and contractor specializing in oil, gas, petrochemicals, and refineries, develops unique and cutting-edge technologies in Oil Refinery, Thermal Plasma Waste Destruction, Power Generation, and Next-Generation Graphene Batteries.

Nikoil has designed and manufactured refinery equipment of any capacity and configuration since 2000. Our technology consists of Nano technology, Plasma technology, Pyrolysis, Hydrocracking, Deep cracking and Catalytic reforming.



Sepidan Drilling Services Company (SDSC), established in Turkey, is a prominent provider of drilling fluids and related engineering services for the oil and gas industry. With a strong commitment to safety, innovation, and sustainability, the company offers a range of drilling services, leveraging state-of-the-art technology and a skilled workforce. Its extensive experience in working across diverse geological formations has earned it a reputation as a reliable partner in complex drilling projects.
